Rockdale Dental

Dental care

How long does an Invisalign treatment take?

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, more than 4 million Americans wear braces. 25% of these 4 million are adults. Once the most popular orthodontics treatment option, metal braces have slowly lost their sheen. The idea of metal braces did put people off, and in all honesty, Metal braces are quite a commitment.

That is why Invisalign dominated the scene and is now one of the most popular orthodontic treatments. Why? Because, unlike metal braces, Invisalign is clear, almost invisible, and the eBay part: You can take them out.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic aligner. A type of orthodontic aligner is Invisalign. Its goal is to move crowded teeth into correct alignment gently. It allows you to move your teeth without any need for wires.An Invisalign technician will create a set of numbered acrylic aligners. These aligners are made specifically for your mouth. You wear a clear, smooth plastic tray that has been custom-molded to fit your teeth.Every couple of weeks, you will receive instructions on how to replace them. It would help if you changed them in numerical order. It allows for the natural progression of crowded teeth toward the desired result.

How long does the treatment take?

One of the most common questions patients have for orthodontists is how long it will take Invisalign to straighten their teeth. Unfortunately, there is no simple solution. However, treatment for uncomplicated cases can be completed in as little as six months.Invisalign typically takes twelve to eighteen months to complete. Treatment for more complex cases, such as crowded teeth, can take 24 months or longer. Because everyone’s teeth are unique, no two treatments are alike.

Why are the Invisalign treatment durations different?

Each patient is unique. Your orthodontist will share information about your particular requirements and provide time estimates for the duration of the treatment. The following are the main factors that influence how long Invisalign treatment takes:

  • How far your teeth must move to achieve the desired result.
  • How long does it take for your teeth to move?
  • Your case’s complexity.
  • How well do you wear your Invisalign aligners for 22 hours per day?

When you initially seek the Invisalign treatment, your orthodontist or dentist will estimate the length of your Invisalign treatment. Then, they will develop a comprehensive treatment plan that includes the estimated treatment time, recommended treatments, and Invisalign costs.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!