Rockdale Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Foods Stain Your Teeth

Who doesn’t like a bright white smile? But isn’t it challenging to maintain the white shine? It may be a morning coffee or a can of soda, and your food choices can affect your teeth color significantly. So what are the foods that stain teeth and affect their shine? 

With time, tooth discoloration foods can cause your pearly whites to discolor due to dark pigments and high acidic content that eventually stains your teeth. Always rinse your mouth after eating dark-pigmented foods. Here are some foods and beverages responsible for your pale yellow smile.

Red Wine

Red wine is acidic and can react with enamel, allowing dark articles to affect the tooth surface and make it pale. Such drinks open up enamel pores and get embedded in the tooth surface. Regular wine consumption can rough your tooth enamel and cause your teeth to lose whiteness.


Most people start their morning with a warm cup of coffee. With time, a morning brew can hamper your teeth’ color, and you will need a professional cleanup to maintain the color. Coffee contains a chemical compound called tannins which is a polyphenol. It sticks to your teeth and plays a role in discoloration.


Like coffee, tea also contains tannins. Tea is a drink that the whole world consumes daily. Some researchers believe that adding 2 percent milk can effectively help prevent the staining. Milk contains casein, which is helpful for the prevention of teeth discoloration. By using this technique, you can reduce teeth staining without reducing your tea consumption.

Dark Berries

All dark berries like pomegranate, raspberry, and blueberries contain dark pigment and affect teeth coloration effectively. Foods that stain teeth, like beet and grape, also affect the teeth’ shine and enamel color. Tiny organic particles can enter enamel pores and leave a purple-like hue when they come in contact. Highly porous teeth can have more discoloration than fewer porous teeth.

Dark Cola and Soda

Highly acidic cola or drinks with extensive sugar can erode your teeth’ enamel. Tooth discoloration foods like soda can affect your teeth’ color permanently. It will make teeth naturally pale or darker. High-sugar drinks can affect your enamel and harm it in depth.  

Soy Sauce

Foods that stain teeth include dark soy sauces and balsamic vinegar. Anything that can stain a linen napkin can stain your teen and make them discolored. The dark pigment in vinegar and sauces can erode your enamel and stain your teeth. 

Tobacco Product

Tobacco stains are caused due to smoking cigarettes or cigars. Chewing tobacco can affect teeth as they contain tar. Also, they have large amounts of nicotine that can stain your teeth yellow permanently. Nicotine reacts with oxygen and turns yellow. These two chemical compounds are the main reason that tobacco harms your pearly whites.

Final Thoughts

Food and drinks with high pigmentation, sugar content, or acidity are common teeth staining factors that can affect your teeth’ enamel over time. Regular brushing and good oral hygiene can maintain your oral health. You don’t need to give up all your preferred food choices to avoid discoloration. 

If teeth discoloration is present, you can visit your dentist for a tooth whitening procedure that will let you smile and stay white and bright. No one can choose your food choices for you. You can maintain a brilliant set of pearly whites with good oral care and avoid foods that stain teeth. Some preventive measures can also help you in the long run. Visit your dentist to brighten your teeth. Brushing twice a day is an excellent start to your oral hygiene journey.